Episodio 5. Hablando De Crops Con Isa

Episode 5. Talking about Crops with Isa

Apr 11, 2020Raquel Cantó Arroyo

In a moment of personal depression, his mother filled him with a bag of Scrap products. Her first Creative fair, to which she was half fooled. That's where it all started, he had just found his balm and his passion.

Isa is crazy about Scrap, a lover of layouts and Coptic stitched bindings.

She loves to meet and scrape with friends and in that idea one day she had the idea of ​​uniting Crops with Coptas and from there the CROPTAS were born in Piccolo Scrapbooking. If you haven't been to one, you don't know what you're missing...

Today you will get to know her much better. Stay, let's start!

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Or you can listen to it from here:

This is Isa's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_isa_ng_/ and this is her YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu2jOhpt_B_LRupAh0ybIg

Isa recommends the book Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

The scrapers that Isa recommends:

Mima: https://www.instagram.com/mimamolina/

Nidia: https://www.instagram.com/scrapamundi/

Xenia: https://www.instagram.com/xenia.crafts/

Nunusite: https://www.instagram.com/nunusite/

Be sure to follow them all!

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