The eternal dilemma of every scraper: what material do I take on vacation? Today @_martamarfa comes with a super cool and different proposal. It has convinced me completely
Summer is here and I come with the infallible remedy to keep up with your Pocket. You simply have to get this organizer and thus you will be able to document everything in detail on your vacation. You no longer have excuses, whether you go to the Caribbean or your beloved town, you do not need to abandon your Pocket Cocoloko
Don't worry, the excuse of sewing doesn't work for me either 😎 it's all without sewing, you just need a good textile glue, a beautiful eco-leather like this one with PICNIC daisies, a felt iron, a remona vichy ribbon and a flat elastic band of the color that you like best .

We put the notebook to write down the funniest anecdotes and conversations, we keep puffy and enamel stickers in a little envelope, we carry many die cuts inside the pocket and a few cards with a pen.

In another bag I will put my slephy canon, the glue and only the covers that I am always fighting with the overweight of the suitcase. When I come back from vacation I just have to put the complete covers in their place 😍
How about? Do you want a video tutorial with a step by step to get hold of this cutie? Well, go sign up for our newsletter (you have the link in the Home page of our website).
Et voila! straight to your mailbox.

Comments (2)
Hola, a mí me ocurre lo mismo que a Claudia.
Hola! Me interesa el vídeo tutorial. Estoy suscrita a sus newsletter pero no logro encontrarlo.
Una ayuda por favor :)