What is a DT?

Jan 25, 2022Raquel Cocoloko

One day you discover some beautiful papers, some matching decorations, stickers! and you see an album, a card... Moments of someone's life collected in a beautiful way. Scrapbooking they call it and it has already caught you. So much that you search everywhere: Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest. You want to know everything!

But one day you come across an acronym: DT and there you stay dead. That if the DTs are the most, that if our DTs do some super inspiring things,... DT here DT there but nobody clears up the first of the doubts: can you know who or what is a DT?

I call them the Dream Team

But DT responds to Design Team. And like everything in Scrap, it was invented by the Americans.

It is the creative team of a brand or Scrap shop. A group of people who use the material of the brand to create inspiring projects. Thus, said brand can offer you creative content with its products. Come on, the commercials, influencers or the Shakiras and Beyoncés of Scrap.

They are neither better nor worse than other scrapers or than you, who are just starting out. Simply, they have been doing scrap for a long time and some brand has fallen in favor.

Maybe some even make you a little angry... Grrrrr they are so remonis, with their scraproom packed with the latest releases and you counting the money to get that die that has been giving you eyes for days.

Yes, they receive free material, but don't envy them so much... They spend hours thinking about different and original projects to keep inspiring you. Worried about the light in their scraproom and overwhelmed if the sun doesn't rise on a Sunday because they don't have the photos on time...

I have seen many works that have remained in a drawer because "they are not enough" or others that will never see the light of day because "they looked like one that just the day before published a little thing on Instagram and it happened that they think that I copied myself". Sometimes they go too far with self-demand, things as they are.

Discovering all this scrapero-instagramero underworld can take you a little away from your why. Why did you start making Scrap? What is it that caught your attention?

The free material, the followers?

Or was it to compile your story in an original, beautiful way that you greatly enjoy?

Well that reigns, to continue enjoying. By the way, this mail had to be a presentation of the DT of Cocoloko. It's been days since you told me to "represent" them so you can follow them (if they are pure inspiration). But I've gone through the hills of Úbeda, you see... But sometimes I get the feeling that we lose our way and maybe we have to remember what all this was about...

Next week I promise to introduce you to my Beyoncés team.

More inspiration

Comments (2)

  • Me encantas, Raquel!!💜 Das un toque de realidad y frescura al mundo escrapero ayudando a que disfrutemos y no perdamos la alegría de scrapear por pensar “demasiado”. Seguro que nos volvemos a encontrar en algún taller. 🤔¿suena a amenaza?😜🤣🤣

  • A mi me encanta el proceso creativo. Me encanta crear tarjetas, albumes, etc. Mientras estoy creando no pienso en otra cosa, es mi momento. Formar parte de un equipo de diseño nos puede parecer lo más, pero debemos de ser conscientes de lo que supone formar parte de un DT. Es una responsabilidad ya que mediante nuestros proyectos damos a conocer una marca y estos deben ser inspiradores. Se lo que es tirar un proyecto o hacer cambios en él por considerar que no está a la altura. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo de que no debemos perder la esencia de lo que nos motivó a hacer scrap. El scrap es mi terapia de desconexión.


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