If you are from the "organized team" you will surely plan your weekly menus. But, the fridge, how does it look to you?
Today @martamarfa brings you this wonder so that you are organized as well as stylish.
If you make a bridge it can be a very good project to do in a little while.
Hello good!
I wanted the canvas to be present every day, it is one of my favorite products so I thought that a weekly menu with its notes stuck on the fridge would be perfect! Download the templates on the Cocoloko website and see how to do it with the video. What do you think of the idea?
Comments (2)
Hola, muchas gracias por el descargable del menú, me irá muy bien, sobre todo en las cenas, que nunca encuentro que hacer ya que mi marido cocina a mediodía.
Un saludo cordial desde Jaca, Huesca
Està genial, moltissimes gràcies!! Fa temps que anava cercant algun document així. Que xulo queda.
Si pogués ser també un organitzador tipus setmanal/mensual/diari…. estaria genial, el joc complert!!! :-D
Moltes gràcies, de debó!!